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News Release

NeuXP Set to Roll Out Three Projects in Malaysia Following Recent Signing Event

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FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise


FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise

National Palace

FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise

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FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise

Video Conference

FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise


FootballAvenue et NeuXP annoncent une nouvelle entreprise

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NeuXP est l'une des 50 meilleures startups sélectionnées pour faire partie de

FLY ASIA 2022 en Corée 


Façonner l'esprit d'entreprise chez les jeunes :

NeuXP a organisé un atelier d'une journée sur l'entrepreneuriat pour les étudiants universitaires

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NeuXP et TWOKON signent un protocole d'accord pour une collaboration d'expansion du marché mondial

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Facilitant l'expérience de réservation d'activités touristiques et de loisirs en Asie du Sud-Est, NeuXP lance sa fonction de réservation d'attractions

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Connecter les startups de l'ASEAN à l'écosystème des villes intelligentes grâce au cinquième concours Chine-ASEAN pour l'innovation et l'entrepreneuriat dans les nouvelles villes intelligentes 2022


NeuXP et Cloudbae se sont associés pour promouvoir l'expansion des entreprises étrangères à Nanning via le Forum virtuel de l'économie numérique de la zone de libre-échange de Nanning (Guangxi) 2022

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NeuXP en collaboration

pour accélérer la plateforme de finance numérique en Italie


NeuXP, un fournisseur de plate-forme bancaire numérique intégrée signe un protocole d'accord avec CORE SRL et Studio Legale DRBLEX pour diriger l'expansion de l'innovation de NeuXP en Italie

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Favoriser l'esprit d'entreprise innovant chez les jeunes :


NeuXP a annoncé les gagnants de son premier défi d'entrepreneuriat pour les étudiants universitaires

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NeuXP et Brexa Quants mettent fin au protocole d'accord sur l'expansion de NeuXP India à compter du 2 octobre 2021.


NeuXP a été présenté comme l'une des meilleures sociétés de services financiers et startups malaisiennes.

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NeuCommunity ; une plateforme sociale qui vous aide à préparer votre déménagement à l'étranger après la pandémie.


Neuxp s'associe à Slashshare pour étendre ses services aux étudiants internationaux et aux expatriés vivant aux États-Unis.


NeuXP est l'un des 8 finalistes de l'ASEAN pour représenter la Malaisie au concours China-ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship.


NeuXP a été le premier finaliste représentant la Malaisie au 3e concours China ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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Promouvoir la croissance des entreprises au-delà des frontières : Biz@NeuXP lance sa solution pour les entreprises qui s'étendent en Chine avec la signature d'un protocole d'accord avec Cloudbae


Un constructeur d'écosystème mondial : NeuCommunity accélère la croissance des entreprises tout en répondant aux besoins des non-résidents


Les nouvelles opportunités de libre-échange du Guangxi favorisent une coopération accrue entre la Chine et l'ASEAN

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Catalysing ASEAN Startup Success in the Smart City Ecosystem:


New Smart City Innovation

& Entrepreneurship Competition 2023


NeuXP and Partner, DRBLEX, Embark on South American Market Expansion, with Mexico as Its Pioneering Launchpad

National Palace

NeuXP and Cloudbae Forge Strategic Collaboration to Facilitate Fintech Expansion in China and Southeast Asia

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Unveiling a Strategic Partnership:

NeuXP and CrownAsia Join Forces to Innovate Livestream Sessions for Businesses

Video Conference

Changes in Organisation Structure


FootballAvenue and NeuXP announce new venture

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NeuXP is one of the top 50 startups selected to be part of

FLY ASIA 2022 in Korea 


Shaping the Entrepreneurial Mindset Among the Youth:

NeuXP Organised a One Day Entrepreneurship Workshop for University Students

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NeuXP and TWOKON sign MoU for Global Market Expansion Collaboration

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Easing the touring and leisure activities booking experience in South East Asia, NeuXP launches its booking of attractions feature

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Connecting ASEAN Startups to the Smart Cities Ecosystem Through the Fifth CHINA-ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition 2022


NeuXP and Cloudbae joined hands to promote foreign business expansion into Nanning via the 2022 Nanning (Guangxi) Free Trade Zone Virtual Forum of Digital Economy

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NeuXP in Collaboration

to Accelerate the Digital Finance Platform in Italy


NeuXP, an integrated digital banking platform provider signs an MoU with CORE S.R.L and Studio Legale DRBLEX to lead the expansion of NeuXP’s innovation in Italy

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Fostering the Innovative Entrepreneurial Mindset Among the Youth:


NeuXP announced the Winners of its Inaugural Entrepreneurship Challenge for University Students

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NeuXP and Brexa Quants Terminate MoU on the Expansion of NeuXP India effective 2nd October 2021.


NeuXP has been showcase as one of the Top Malaysian Financial Services Companies and Startups.

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NeuCommunity; a social platform that helps you prepare for your move abroad post-pandemic.


Neuxp partners with Slashshare to expand its services to international students and expats living in the US.


NeuXP is one of the 8 finalists from ASEAN to represent Malaysia in the China-ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition.


NeuXP was the First Runner Up representing Malaysia in the 3rd China ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition

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Championing Business Growth Beyond Borders: Biz@NeuXP Launches its Solution for Businesses Expanding to China with an MoU Signing with Cloudbae


A Worldwide Ecosystem-Builder: NeuCommunity Accelerates Business Growth While Addressing Non-residents’ Needs


Guangxi’s New Opportunities for Free Trade Promotes Further Cooperation between China and ASEAN

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 2.55.55 PM.

Catalysing ASEAN Startup Success in the Smart City Ecosystem:


New Smart City Innovation

& Entrepreneurship Competition 2023


NeuXP and Partner, DRBLEX, Embark on South American Market Expansion, with Mexico as Its Pioneering Launchpad

National Palace

NeuXP and Cloudbae Forge Strategic Collaboration to Facilitate Fintech Expansion in China and Southeast Asia

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-22 at 12.31.04 AM.jpeg

Unveiling a Strategic Partnership:

NeuXP and CrownAsia Join Forces to Innovate Livestream Sessions for Businesses

Video Conference

Changes in Organisation Structure


FootballAvenue and NeuXP announce new venture

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NeuXP is one of the top 50 startups selected to be part of

FLY ASIA 2022 in Korea 


Shaping the Entrepreneurial Mindset Among the Youth:

NeuXP Organised a One Day Entrepreneurship Workshop for University Students

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-11 at 9.40.45 PM (1).jpeg

NeuXP and TWOKON sign MoU for Global Market Expansion Collaboration

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-23 at 10.53.03 PM.jpeg

Easing the touring and leisure activities booking experience in South East Asia, NeuXP launches its booking of attractions feature

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Connecting ASEAN Startups to the Smart Cities Ecosystem Through the Fifth CHINA-ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition 2022


NeuXP and Cloudbae joined hands to promote foreign business expansion into Nanning via the 2022 Nanning (Guangxi) Free Trade Zone Virtual Forum of Digital Economy

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NeuXP in Collaboration

to Accelerate the Digital Finance Platform in Italy


NeuXP, an integrated digital banking platform provider signs an MoU with CORE S.R.L and Studio Legale DRBLEX to lead the expansion of NeuXP’s innovation in Italy

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-02 at 5.53.07 AM.jpeg

Fostering the Innovative Entrepreneurial Mindset Among the Youth:


NeuXP announced the Winners of its Inaugural Entrepreneurship Challenge for University Students

NEC participant-02.jpg

NeuXP and Brexa Quants Terminate MoU on the Expansion of NeuXP India effective 2nd October 2021.


NeuXP has been showcase as one of the Top Malaysian Financial Services Companies and Startups.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-06 at 4.37_edited.jpg

NeuCommunity; a social platform that helps you prepare for your move abroad post-pandemic.


Neuxp partners with Slashshare to expand its services to international students and expats living in the US.


NeuXP is one of the 8 finalists from ASEAN to represent Malaysia in the China-ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition.


NeuXP was the First Runner Up representing Malaysia in the 3rd China ASEAN New Smart City Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition

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Championing Business Growth Beyond Borders: Biz@NeuXP Launches its Solution for Businesses Expanding to China with an MoU Signing with Cloudbae


A Worldwide Ecosystem-Builder: NeuCommunity Accelerates Business Growth While Addressing Non-residents’ Needs


Guangxi’s New Opportunities for Free Trade Promotes Further Cooperation between China and ASEAN

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 2.55.55 PM.
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